
“Helping you gain control over the things you want to change”

Fiona Nicolson

All the news from cognitive hypnotherapy in Central London in November 2019

Posted on 06 November 2019

I keep a close eye on developments in the world of mental health and improving emotional wellness and Tweet and Facebook regularly. Here are some of the best things around at the moment. Posted by me in the last month. Feel free to share!

Work and mental health

https://buff.ly/327GCG9 Rise in demand for help with PTSD in police. Recognition of the problem is good but resources need to be increased.

https://buff.ly/2IDaZwj Students waiting far too long for help with mental health.

https://buff.ly/2M5w0lH Workers mental health improves if their employers treat them kindly.

https://buff.ly/2MVPlVB Binge drinking common amongst military wives.

Celebrities and royals speaking out on mental health

https://buff.ly/35NKNct Billie Piper says: “(People) are not open enough about the struggles of trying to have it all, they want to be this perfect balance but it doesn’t exist and I think someone should really voice that because it’s causing a kind of anxiety epidemic.”

https://buff.ly/2N2BSwl Duchess of Sussex thanks women MPs for their support

Post-natal PTSD and birth trauma

https://buff.ly/33AKkbU US report. Maternity services vary. BAME people getting worse services

Sexual harassment and abuse

https://buff.ly/2IR1QQS People report sexual assault but convictions in UK going down.

https://buff.ly/2J63Ipc Risk to domestic abuse victims through national insurance numbers.

New tech and social media: what’s new and what the experts are saying

https://buff.ly/2pfaO3q Great new product from one of the best hypnotherapists around today.

https://buff.ly/35RkG4w My latest thoughts on phone apps for mental health

https://buff.ly/2MHcNa1 New research says social media NOT damaging to young people’s mental health.

Professional updates: the latest from governments, professional mental health organisations and the rest

https://buff.ly/2pnCqU6 Shortage of psychiatrists is slowing up treatment for mental health issues. Women and young people affected the most.

https://buff.ly/31wkBzy Teaching mental toughness. It can be done.

https://buff.ly/2Pguwa4 Social prescribing is finally getting recognition. New initiative here.

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