“Helping you gain control over the things you want to change”

What is Cognitive Hypnotherapy?
Cognitive Hypnotherapy – significantly different and more effective
So why choose this type of hypnotherapy over others? Cognitive Hypnotherapy differs from traditional hypnotherapy because it draws on recent discoveries in Psychology, Cognitive Theory and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), incorporating them into a framework for highly effective therapy.
From these different disciplines, we employ the best techniques for creating positive change in a person’s behaviour. These are moulded into an approach tailored for the specific needs of each client. So through Cognitive Hypnotherapy you can gain control over those aspects of your life that you want to be different.
Unconscious prompts drive our surface feelings and behaviours
Why do we get locked into negative behaviours and habits that we know are reducing the quality of our lives? Recent research has shown that our unconscious is responsible for about 90% of our daily behaviour.
- Our unconscious can keep the thought patterns that generate these behaviours out of our awareness.
- Most people experience their issues as being beyond their control, as if some part of them takes over and makes them do something like eat that piece of cake, run from the spider, phone in sick to avoid presenting to colleagues, or even just feel ‘stuck’ in their lives.
Hypnosis uses your natural ‘trance’ states to influence your unconscious
You know what it’s like when you realise you’ve been daydreaming and someone calls your name several times before you hear them. Or perhaps you’re driving along the motorway and suddenly realise several junctions have passed without realising it. These are different state of awareness (trance) that we all naturally experience every day: hypnosis is 100% safe because it taps into these natural states.
In a nutshell, Cognitive Hypnotherapy uses these natural light trance states to uncover the feelings, thoughts and memory patterns that led to your problem – and which continue to maintain it. Cognitive Hypnotherapy interrupts and positively changes these unconscious patterns so you are able to take control of your own behaviour.
“Hypnotherapy is supported by more scientific
research than any other complementary therapy.”
The Which? Guide to Complementary Therapies, 2002
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) strengthens the approach
NLP is the practice of understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do. We all have unique internal ‘maps’ of the world and a key aspect of NLP is the belief that these are formed as a result of how as individuals filter and perceive the information and experiences we absorb via our senses.
NLP provides a methodology to model the outstanding performances achieved by geniuses and leaders in their field. As an NLP practitioner, I use my observations of how a client interacts with the world to facilitate positive change, this is part of the flexible cognitive approach I take with each client. It’s a highly effective way to help a client make unconscious shifts and change.
Consultations available in Henley on Thames and Central London.
Any questions? Please contact me now for further information on 07920 054292.
Call me on
07920 054292
or contact me at fiona@fionanicolson.com