“Helping you gain control over the things you want to change”

Fiona Nicolson MNCH(Acc) HPD PNLP
Professional Background
I’m a professionally qualified and practicing Cognitive Hypnotherapist and accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).
I am a certified Master Practitioner of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and a qualified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner in both Classic Code as well as New Code. I was trained in New Code NLP by John Grinder, one of the original co-founders of NLP. I am an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner and also professionally qualified in Eye Movement Integration (EMI).
As a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, I abide by their strict code of conduct and Ethics of Good Practice and their public protection policies and am fully professionally insured. The NCH represents over 1800 hypnotherapy professionals within the United Kingdom and is committed to ensuring the highest possible professional standards amongst their members.
The HPD is the first nationally accredited hypnotherapy qualification and is externally validated by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and the independent accrediting body, the NCFE. Not all UK hypnotherapists hold professional qualifications.
My training was at the internationally recognised Quest Institute, Regents College, London. The Quest training programme and qualification requirements are amongst the most rigorous in the country and I trained with Trevor Silvester, the founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy. I have returned to the Quest Institute to assist with training courses.

I am also a Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Prior roles include many years working in the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries plus a period working for ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) Scotland.
Personal background
Last and by no means least I am mother and stepmother to 3 girls in their early twenties, which affords huge insights into the complexities of the human mind!
Call 07920 054292 for a confidential and free 15 minute discussion or email me through the Contact Page.
Call me on
07920 054292
or contact me at fiona@fionanicolson.com

Fiona Nicolson
Listen to Anne Diamond interviewing Fiona about Cognitive Hypnotherapy on BBC Radio Berkshire.

Fiona Nicolson
Listen to the BBC Radio Berkshire interview with Fiona for advice on sticking to New Year's resolutions.