“Helping you gain control over the things you want to change”

Charity Work

Fiona Nicolson receiving award from Jamie Oliver October 2015
I have worked for many years with Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Apprentice Programme, supporting the apprentices to help free them from the learnt behaviours that have held them back from reaching their full potential.
In October 2015 I was extremely honoured to receive an award from Jamie Oliver in recognition of the work that I have done with the apprentices.
Jamie Oliver founded the Fifteen Apprentice Programme with the core philosophy of using the magic of cooking to give young people, who’ve often faced enormous challenges in their lives, the opportunity to unlock their true talent through great training and mentoring.
It has been wonderful to have been a part of the programme, working with the amazing apprentices to help free them from the personal issues and negative beliefs that they have developed because of their experiences in life. In some instances drugs, gangs and prison. It was an honour to be part of their journey and to support these inspiring young chefs towards a different and positive future.
In November 2016 the programme came to an end in its current format as it is being rolled out nationwide across the UK.

Fiona Nicolson with appentices during Chefs Week 2015
Call me on
07920 054292
or contact me at fiona@fionanicolson.com